Rōnin talks over “How -Tu” prepare your rifle for combat

As a former Green Beret, I had to learn throughout the process of my career how to prep my rifle to my mission and operational environment. During this process, I had to revisit the fundamentals and tactics that I was taught as a young soldier. Hear my life experiences and understand the mindset and strategy behind how I set up my rifle for combat. Instructor: Tu Lam (Retired U.S. Army Special Forces- Green Beret)--23 Years Full Spectrum Warfare, U.S. Army Special Operations worked throughout 27 countries worldwide. Team-Leader assignments in Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Hostage Rescue, Direct Action and Counter-Terrorism Operations in permissive and non-permissive environments. Composite Special Forces team training and development team leader. Founder/CEO and Director of Training and Research Development for Rōnin Tactics Inc. You can follow and enroll in our training at: Online Training at:
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