Off To Geneva By Air! (1932)

Full title reads: “Croydon. Off to Geneva - by air! despite his eye trouble - gale & rain - the Premier leaves by air for the Disarmament Conference.“ Croydon airport, Greater London. Exterior of building at Airport. Small crowd gathered around doorway for ’Outward Bound Passengers“. It appears to be raining. Pilot and James Ramsay MacDonald - both dressed in flying gear come out of building. Voiceover tells us that they are flying on route to a peace conference in Geneva in an open plane. He also notes that it is cold, rainy and windy. Several photographers are there to capture the moment. Prime Minister MacDonald is helped into the rear seat of the plane. Closer shot as the pilot climbs in. The voiceover suggests that the PM is having problems getting his parachute comfortable. Ramsay MacDonald gives a short interview from the plane. He says that he is glad to be up in the air again. Travelling by air is always congenial in all weathers. The plane taxies off with MacDonald waving and sh
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