Let’s learn from children how to connect and not teach them how to divide. We owe them PEACE. Давайте учиться у детей тянуться друг к другу, а не учить их враждовать. Мы задолжали детям МИР. Listen to GUN : _____ Follow Manizha: @manizha ____ Written and Directed by Lado Kvataniya Producers: Nadin Usmanova, Lado Kvataniya and more. 1AD: КАТОК 2AD: Polina Vatman Production Designer: Alexey YAD Production Designer Assistant: Maria Marant Props Master: Denis Egorov Props On Set: Gosha Osin, Aleksandr Remizov, Ilya Makarov, Vladimir Makhukov Construction Coordinator: Sergey Buryi ... Set Construction (SmartSet): Ilia Ziumkin, Alexey Kondratyev Set Construction Manager: Sergey Ivanov Painters: Maria Isakova, Ivan Glushak, Alyona Korobkova, Arina Belya
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