Проходка-отзыв Sasha по курсу Unreal Engine for Archviz | Обучение UE в
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Отчет-отзыв Sasha по курсу Unreal Engine for Archviz. (Unreal Engine для архитектурной визуализации)
⭕ Подробная информация об обучении Unreal Engine и запись на курс:
Вот что пишет Sasha об обучении UE в школе :
在网络研讨会, 会有老师对你的作业进行点评,并提出他的意见,这非常好,你不但能知道自己的问题,也会看到其他学员遇到的问题。那很可能是你将来会遇到的。而你不用等到遇到就会知道答案,这也是很多人一起学习的好处之一。
Through four weeks of intense learning, I found my shortcomings and areas to be improved. What is impressive is that the instructor in the Telegram learning group will answer all kinds of questions almost all the time. As a learner who can’t understand Russian at all, I can learn a lot just by looking at the operation of the course.
In a webinar, a teacher will comment on your work and give his or her opinion, which is great, so you can not only know your own problems, but also see the problems of other students. That’s probably something you’ll come across in the future. And you don’t have to wait until you meet someone to know the answer, which is one of the benefits of studying together.
If I have any advice, I hope it will be with English subtitles, so that more foreigners can learn CG techniques from Russia. I met a friend from Ghana in the pre-course marathon course. He just dropped out of school because of the language problem, which is a pity. But I believe that by watching the tutorial repeatedly and asking questions from the teacher, there will still be a lot of sales, and that is the case.
Finally, besides thanks, I would like to continue to register for the advanced courses. Before I do that, of course, I have to go over the whole course again.“
⭕ Подробная информация об обучении Unreal Engine 4 и запись на курс:
⭕ Вебинар, где подробно рассказано о курсе Unreal Engine 4
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