Unsere erste Single-Veröffentlichung:
Strike Back / Swan Lake
Ab sofort in den Streaming- und Download-Diensten
(Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music & Co)
als Vorab-Release unseres am 2021 erscheinenden Albums “Alligator Man“.
Unser Dank gilt:
Martin David, Chris Schwarz und allen, die uns über die Jahre so grossartig unterstützt haben.
Habt Spass!
Eure Stargaze Stompers
Our first single release:
Strike Back / Swan Lake
Available now on streaming and download services
(Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music & Co)
as a pre-release of our album “Alligator Man“ coming out on first of September 2021.
Our thanks to:
Martin David, Chris Schwarz and everyone who has given us such great support over the years.
Have fun!
Yours Stargaze Stompers
#stargazestompers #strikeback #ro