you laugh you lose

could u resist to laugh at those good bois? I actually laughed too many times while editing ;) Try no to laugh: Sources: Facebook(shiba fanpage) Twitter(@UnusualVideos) Twitter(@PerfectlyCutScreams) Patrons: Wise Woofers: 🏆 Chase Cutler 🥈 Wheel 💝 Tyro Lavine 💝 Generic Scottish Channel 💝 Nick Moran 💝 Matty Harrison 💝 joshua xd 💝 Handly 💝 Luke Doggos: 🐕 Yoshi Doshi 🐕 datruemlgmaster 🐕 Mr. Megaman 🐕 L² Studio 🐕 Vegan Nomad Chick 🐕 Hanna Liauchonak 🐕 Nate 🐕 lolyoshi &#
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