Leere - Hilflos (Official Video)

Leere (noun. die Leere - emptiness) is a project launched by Daria Leere in 2016. Daria’s sound continues to spin her outings into the dark soundscapes: It plays with the old, powerful sounds of her synthesizer and the driving force of the drum computer; originals from the 1980s. In her music Daria skillfully weaves elements of Industrial and EBM, and calls her style «aggressive romance». Listen to the track «Hilflos» by Daria Leere and order NADRYV 01 on Bandcamp Produced by Flux Webzine and Myopia Studios Mastered by Dadub Mastering Studio #leere #nadryv #nadryvrecords #myopiastudios #li...vevisualsynthesis #livevisuals #clubkulturellesubkultur #experimentalelectronicmusic #cutupbeats #cinematicvideography #berlin #livesesion #musiconline #sadwave #newwave #80s #darkwave #musicisourlove #musicianduringpandemic #pandemie #pandemiclife #livestream #musicvideo #visuals #musicvisuals #2021
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