The 7 Levels of Jazz Harmony

Ya like jazz? You will! There are 7 levels of Jazz Harmony, and we’ll explore each of them through reharmonizing the chorus of one of my favorite tunes from 2019 - Lizzo’s Juice. Thanks to Jae Soto for singing! OUTRO TRACK (Dilla Beat Intonalist Harmony) Level 1 - “Bell Pepper“ - II-V’s and other basic tonal movements Level 2 - “Poblano Pepper“ - Sub V’s and other stuff Level 3 - “Jalepeño Pepper“ - Crazy chromatic extensions Level 4 - “Piri Piri Pepper“- Constant Structures and Pedal Point Level 5 - “Habenero Pepper“- Free non-functional harmony Level 6 - “Ghost Pepper“- Liberated Dissonance Level 7 - “???“ - Xenharmony These 7 levels aren’t meant to be exhaustive in terms of the harmonic techniques of jazz musicians - there really are way too many to get into for a single YouTube video - but they can be
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