Homegirl London Kaffe Fassett Fashion and Textile Museum

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the Fashion and Textile Museum, Bermondsey Street, London SE1. I was eager to get back to blogging in 2023, but I didn’t fancy traipsing anywhere further afield because it was rainy and miserable outside. I decided to review the Fashion and Textile Museum because it’s a short walk from my apartment. Besides, the current exhibition is Kaffe Fassett: The Power of Pattern, which showcases colourful quilts, needlepoint work and more. It was the perfect choice for a grey day in the city, and it certainly did the job and cheered me up! The exhibition is a colourful explosion of colour and patterns that will cheer you up on the gloomiest of grey days! As you enter the show, you can watch a short film about The Kaffe Fassett Collective – Kaffe Fassett, Brandon Mably (Textile Artist/Designer, Author, Manager of Kaffe Fassett Studio) and Philip Jacobs (Fabric and Wallpaper Designer). In the downstairs area, the most beautiful quilts are hanging on the walls, many
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