Vit D and prostate cancer

Free posters and books, Circulating vitamin D level and mortality in prostate cancer patients: a dose–response meta-analysis Results Higher vitamin D level could reduce the risk of death among prostate cancer patients. Association of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level with prognosis of prostate cancer We conducted a dose-response meta-analysis Seven eligible cohort studies, n = 7, 808 The summary HR of prostate cancer-specific mortality An increment of every 20 nmol/L in circulating vitamin D, (20 nmol/L = 8 ng/ml) HR = , (P = ) Every 20 nmol/L increment in 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with a 9% lower risk of, all-cause mortality, and prostate cancer-specific mortality. Pooled HRs were stable and not obviously changed by any single study. No evidence of publications bias was observed.
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