9 Weirdest Bugs In The World

Hi everybody! From beetles that can support almost 850 times their weight to a killer that turns the inside of its prey into a liquid mash, here are nine of the weirdest bugs in the world. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 9. Assassin bug Assassin bugs have long, straw-like beaks that they use to stab their prey into the grave. When they’re not stabbing their opponents with it, they keep this beak hidden beneath their bodies. But they’re passively waiting for something to fly by. They’re jumping from plant to plant, hunting for any insect that gives them a nasty look. 8. Calleta silkmoth caterpillar Calleta silkmoth butterflies are beautiful, but their caterpillars are some of the most exotic and distinctively colored caterpillars in the world! Just take a look at the Calleta silkmoth caterpillar. Its body is a beautiful shade of bluish-green, but that’s certainly not its most notable feature; rather, your eyes are drawn to the blue and black spikes that pattern its body. While beautiful, the
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