This will be the last montage i ever make (consisting of my gameplay), giving up xbox/cod for good( i might still come on and play a bit of cod 4 every now and again), this is mainly because my heart will forever lie with cod 4 and i simply dont think anyone will ever make a game as great as cod 4 and i refuse to play the garbage that they keep releasing every year (my opinion), if u want u can help others get a chance to see this montage by downloading and uploading the copyright free promo here # SONGS USED Radical Face Welcome Home Bonobo kong Darkent Banger for those of you whom dislike hchq clips im sorry, hopefully i made up for it with the amount of effort i put into the editing, show ur support by liking and favouriting, if u want me to keep putting this much effort into my edits then help me out by downloading and uploading the promo to your channel and leaving a link or annotation to this vid, no matter how few subs
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