Привет, Бро! Надеюсь, Тебе понравилось это видео! С Наступающим! inst - @yourheartaker Soundcloud - Группа в ВК - Contact me: krasnodarskycrymusic@ Поддержать - Материалы, использованные в видео: Все интервью - DISCORD Sings World’s Smallest Violin - AJR - Sunflower (Post Malone Cover) [LIVE @ SiriusXM] - AJR - Making of Weak (Live From the OKO Tour) - AJR LIVE @ RUOFF MUSIC CENTER | FULL SHOW | Indianapolis, OK Orchestra Tour 2022 (5/28/22) - AJR - Way Less Sad / Finale (Live from the OKO Tour) - AJR - OK Orchestra Tour - FULL Live Concert - Virginia, 9/19/22 - AJR - World’s Sm...allest Violin (Live on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch) - негр плачет приколы - jack not knowing what to do with himself in interviews for 1 minute and 25 seconds - AJR’s Jack Met - GEAR MASTERS (Revisited) Ep. 74 - AJR - Bang! & Way Less Sad (Live on the 2021 Billboard Music Awards) - BEST OF RYAN COMPILATION - the best of adam compilation - теги: #ajr #music #soberup #ajrbrothers #adammet #ryanmet #jackmet #100baddays #theclick #burnthehousedown #alternative #ajrlyrics #neotheater #pop #we #weak #lyricsajr #altrock #lyrics #metzger #ajrbestsongs #ajrfullalbum #bestsongsofajr #imready #musicvideo #ajrplaylist #thebestofajr #bestofajr #ajrgreatesthitsfullalbum #newsongsofajr #ajrvevo #ajrsong #greatesthitsfullplaylist #ajrgreatesthits #ajrfullplaylist #theverybestofajr #worldssmallestviolinajr #ajrsongs #ajrgreatesthitsfull #worldssmallestviolin #ajrworldssmallestviolin #ajrworldssmallestviolinlyrics #ajrlyricsworldssmallestviolin #worldssmallestviolinlyricsajr #worldssmallestviolinajrlyrics #ajrlive #wont #worldssmallestviolinlyrics #okorchestra #lyricsworldssmallestviolin #hits #ajrgreatesthits2021 #bestsongs2021 #house #ajrsongs2021 #onedirection #5sos #twentyonepilots #bummerland #justinbieber #edm #video #ryan #jack #ajr2021 #adamjackryan #adam #bang #songs2021 #popmusic #live #ajrperformance #musicalguest #song #dearwinter #celebrities #steveaoki #ajrgreatesthits2022 #ajr2022 #songs2022 #comedic #ajrsongs2022 #famous #thetonightshow #television #funny #nbctv #nbc #jimmyfallon #humor #snl #talkshow #talent #clip #highlight #iwont #waylesssad #comedysketches #variety #show #tonight #jokes #funnyvideo #interview #performance #soletmeplaymyviolinforyoulyrics #weakajr #weaklyrics #lyricsweak #ajrweaklyrics #ajrweak #ajriheartradio #ajrearlyreleases #ajrtour #ajrconcert #ajriheartjingleball #ajrlyricsweak #weakajrlyrics #indiefolk #therecordplayersong #breakmyface #lyricsworldssmallestviolinajr #indiepop #daisythegreat #weaklyricsajr #lyricsweakajr #lyricsajrweak #iheartjingleball #iheartradiojingleball2022#lilyachty #djmagtop100 #steveaoki2018 #dimmak #electro #electrohouse #dubstep #iblowupintosmithereens #bestsongs2022 #2022jingleball #jingleball #iheartradiojingleball #jingleball2022 #tiktoksong #soletmeplaymyviolinforyou #popsong #tiktok #electronic #ajrbang #wmg #lindseystirling #warnerbrosrecords #wbr #warnermusicgroupbusinessoperation #officialmusicvideo #neotheatre #oripaz #tomtrager #spongebobsquarepantsbattleforbikinibottomawardwinningwork #spongebobsquarepantsfilmcharacter #ajroko #ajrreview #videoessay #anthonyfantano
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