Time To Say Goodbye With Action Lyrics ... Andrea BOCELLI and Sarah Brightman
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸one who feels music in his heart, will certainly create a feeling that it entails.☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ——.ڿڰۣ——☸ڿڰۣ—— To keep it needing lyrics in any language.. Am leaving it to the beauty of the video x
... adding to this.. this is heaven so keep it real x our life revolves around heaven? maybe we don’t see it and the words are her x
When I’m alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me.
There is no light in a room where there is no sun
and there is no sun if you’re not here with me, with me.
From every window unfurls my heart the