【Lyric Video】Kissing the Mirror - Is It Worth?(原題:Maniacal Princess)

Kissing the Mirror - Is It Worth?(原題:Maniacal Princess) Arrange,Guitar,Bass by Wooming Lyrics by sawacy(Ignis-Fatuus) Vocals by sawacy and spetsnaz(GO-ZEN) Mix and Mastering by Takeyan Movie by 皐月零 (Atelier Azalea) Original Compose by ZUN (上海アリス幻樂団) ---------Live 告知----------- 公演名 : キバオブアキバ製作委員会 presents ONE CLICK WONDER vol.4 日時  : 6月1日(日)17:00 OPEN/ 18:00 START 会場  : 渋谷TSUTAYA O-WEST 出演  : The冠 / Arbus / Kissing The Mirror Sailing before the Wind / キバオブアキバ チケット:
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