To the Sea: An Homage to Darius

PizzaSliceProducton’s profile is at the dihansite. This fanvid is an homage to Darius, the General who became a monk, on TV’s Highlander series. Music: -I think it’s “Et Lux in Tenebris“, a Gregorian chant. If you can identify the group of singers, or if this is the wrong name, please let me know. - “Athair ar Neamh“ by Enya. Backstory of this video is in my blog. The text: “Fifteen hundred years ago you led an army of barbarians to the gates of Paris. You disbanded your army and you spared the city. But you broke a promise to yourself. To march west from the Ural Mountains until you’d reached the sea. So now, old friend, travel on. Go where you never the sea.“
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