(15 Jun 2007) 526281
Gaza - 14 June 2007
1. Wide of Gaza City skyline at dawn/UPSOUND: gunfire
2. Wide of skyline/ UPSOUND: Gunfire
Gaza City - 13 May 2007
3. Two women crying
4. Male relatives kissing face of militant commander Baha Abu Jarad, of the Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades
5. People grieving around body
Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Gaza City’s Shojaiyeh District, Gaza Strip, and Gaza City, near the Egyptian Representation Office, Gaza Strip - 13 June 2007
Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip
6. Walking shot of people in the street running to hide from gunfire, UPSOUND: gunfire
7. Boys hiding at local mosque, pan right to people hiding from gunfire underneath tin roof, UPSOUND: gunfire
8. Various of boys taking refuge inside mosque, UPSOUND: gunfire
Gaza City’s Shojaiyeh District, Gaza Strip
9. UPSOUND: gunfire, people scatter
Gaza City, near the Egyptian Representation Office, Gaza Strip
10. Man in traditional dress with flags of all Palestinian factions tied together, waving at gunmen on street corner, UPSOUND: gunfire
11. Gunman firing, man stopping him, pushing him back, UPSOUND: gunfire
Ramallah, West Bank and Gaza City, Gaza Strip - 15 June 2007/File
Gaza City, Gaza Strip - 15 June 2007
12. Various of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh arriving at demonstration and waving to crowd UPSOUND: cheering and gunfire
Ramallah, West Bank - 15 June 2007
13. Close-up on Palestinian flag
14. Mid of Abbas at Friday Prayers
Nablus, West Bank - 13 June 2007
15. Gunfire exchanged with Al Aqsa Brigades gunmen
16. Mid of gunmen
Khan Younis - 13 June 2007
17. Back shot of militant holding rifle, UPSOUND: gunfire
Rafah, Gaza Strip -14 June 2007
18. Wide of the explosion of a Fatah-allied security building, (also called Preventive Security building) pull out to show crowd cheering and clapping and running towards the scene: UPSOUND: gunfire
19. Masked Hamas fighters rising up from their kneeling position on the road, after prayers, other gunmen firing into the air
20. Masked Hamas gunmen carrying away computers from scene
Gaza city, Gaza Strip - 15 June 2007
21. Wide of jeep carrying masked Hamas military wing spokesman Abu Obeideh with other fighters
22. Close-up of masked fighter
Hamas reluctantly brought Fatah into the coalition in March 2007 to quell an earlier round of violence, but the uneasy partnership began crumbling in May over control of the powerful security forces.
The two factions have warred sporadically since Hamas took power from Fatah last year, but never with such intensity.
A militant commander affiliated with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement was shot dead in May, in the most serious attack since Abbas launched a new effort to calm a wave of violence in the Gaza Strip earlier in the month.
Fatah quickly blamed the rival Hamas group, with which it shares power in the Palestinian government, and the dead man’s comrades vowed revenge.
Hamas fighters launched a fierce offensive on Gaza City in June, attacking the main security bases and the president’s compound with mortars and rockets and sending some of the rival Fatah forces fleeing in disarray as the Islamic group appeared close to taking over the entire Gaza Strip. At least 60 died in the June campaign
Security forces later said they lost control of the town.
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