Alfred Perry wins British Open golf championship (1935)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Alf Perry (professional golfer) wins 1935 Open Championship at Muirfield Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Britain Keeps Golf Title: A. Perry Victorious in Open Championship SCOTLAND: Muirfield: EXT GOLF Charles Whitcombe, Won by Alfred Perry, GOLF Continuation of “6138“ Picard, Syd Brews, Sweeny Padgham, Easterbrook, P.B. Lucas, Skipper PERRY (Golfer) Wins Open Golf Champ at Muirifeld WHITCOMBE. C.A. Brit open Golf Personalities - Sport; Scotland; Alfred Perry spectators, golfing, Henry Cotton, underdog, champion Background: Alf Perry (professional golfer) wins 1935 Open Championship at Muirfield FILM ID: VLVA7P6GHBCCTS0JTR9R8YG0A9KLU To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: Bri
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