Песня Солидарности - Solidarity Song (Soviet Communist Song)

An anti-war Soviet song written to express solidarity with the peoples of the world who fight for peace. Not to be confused with the similarly-named “Solidaritätslied“ by Bertolt Brecht and Hanns Eisler. However, a German version does exist under the name “Solidaritätsmarsch“ (“Solidarity March“). German version: Performer: Red Army Choir (Ансамбль Александрова) Year recorded: 1971 Composer: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi (Василий Соловьёв-Седой) Year composed: 1971 Source: Sent in by viewer Image: Poster “The bonds of friendship and solidarity with supporters of world peace are unbreakable!“ (“Узы дружбы и солидарности со сторонниками мира во всем мире - нерушимы!“), Aleksej Alekseevich Kokorekin (Алексей Алексеевич Кокорекин) 1953.
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