I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING 艾爾登法環 MOD 維吉爾 | Carian Combo Warriors

#BuryTheLight #Vergil #eldenring I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING!!! Elden Ring with Vergil Mod(info down below) 這次要展示的艾爾登法環 MOD一樣是Carian Combo Warriors,算是特別剪出來的XD,內涵BOSS戰和meme,希望大家喜歡! 如果喜歡的話可以幫我點個訂閱和讚,非常感謝!! Hope you like this video, it took me lots of time to film, practice and to understand how to fluently connect the weapon combos, your likes and subscribes will be very appreciated!!! ღMod info down below👇👇👇 Skins Vergil DMC (With physics) weapon Skin
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