30 Minute Full Body Strength Workout | ARISE - Day 1
I AM SO PUMPED TO BE BACK! Welcome to our Full Body Strength Workout - Day 1 of my ARISE Program! Subscribe to the channel here:
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I am so thankful to be working out with you again, I’ve missed you! I am officially back from maternity leave and working out with you again after giving birth to my baby boy, Ari! I am 10 weeks postpartum in this workout and I’m ready to embrace this month of strength training as we kick it off with a full body strength workout. I used anywhere from my 10 pound dumbbells up to my 25 pound dumbbells for this workout as well as my bench, my sliders, and my glute bands so grab yours if you have them! We are working for 3 minutes at a time in this AMRAP style workout meaning we will perform 10 reps of two exercises back to back as many rounds as possible in those three minutes. We will take one minute rest between those three minute work periods as I demonstrate what is next. I want you to really push yourself in this workout to set the tone for a month of strength gains!
The Exercises:
1. Sumo squat
2. Alternating Arnold Press
3. RDL
4. Alternating Rows
5. Seated Twists 10 per side
6. Side Plank Dip x5 and Rotate
7. Staggered squat
8. Hammer Curl
9. Chest Press
10. Glute Bridge
11. Standing Twists with knee lift
12. Plank Slider Cross Body Crunch
13. Sit Up and Elbow Twist
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-Join the Sydney Squad for access to my membership community where I do all of my group nutrition, lifestyle, and accountability coaching!!
-Use code SYDNEY for 20% off GHOST Supplements! I am obsessed with these products and since I get so many questions on my favorite pre-workout and protein, I figured you guys deserve a recommendation that I TRULY LOVE!
-Use code SYDNEY for 10% off any color 50 Pound adjustable dumbbell set from SMRTFIT, Nuobells!
-Shop at my Amazon store
-Interested in my outfits? Check out my profile here: Cummings
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In this workout you are training with Sydney Cummings, owner of Royal Change and NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Women’s Fitness Specialist, and Stretching and Flexibility Coach. I am a fitness trainer in Charlotte, North Carolina and was a Division 1 athlete at West Virginia University where I was a national qualifying high jumper. I use my knowledge from my NASM certifications, bachelor’s degree, nursing school experience, and my elite athletic background to lead you through workouts designed to make you a stronger, more balanced athlete. My goal is to get you closer to your goals with each workout!
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All information provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is furnished strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is not engaged in rendering medical or professional services. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual’s specific health or medical condition. Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in or acting on any recommendation found in content provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings. You agree that use of the information contained in any content provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is at your own risk. Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is not responsible or liable for any injury sustained as a result of using the content in this video or any other video provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings.
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