Based on actual events. A sand animation film telling about the tragic events in the North Caucasus in 1763-1864 which resulted in almost entire extermination of many-millioned Circassia nation. Using the scorched-earth policy, the Russian Empire was destroying everything on its way like a swarm. Having mercy neither on children and women, nor on old folk, the Russian Army troops were pursuing their own greedy interests: the possession of the fertile and beautiful lands of Circassia, the country which in those times had a strategically important outlet to the sea. Circassia had a powerful professional army which had been famous since the time of Mamluck (Circassian) governing in Egypt, whereas Russia was more advantaged in quantity, almost 100 times excelling the population of Circassia. Nevertheless, this huge Empire managed to defeat Circassia only 101 year later. 90% were killed, 10% were taken to Turkey. A lot of boats, overfilled with people, were sinking. Besides, the Circassian p
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