The Dragon Prince: Why Fans Love Aaravos But Hate Viren | Cartoon Junkies

In the Dragon Prince animated series there are two main villains - Aaravos and Viren - an charmingly mysterious dark elf and a two-faced vengeful man. Both Viren and Aaravos are dark magicians and oppose the main Dragon Prince characters by working together. So why fans love Aaravos and why fans hate Viren? Today, in this Dragon Prince review, Alcott Scoffer and Jiff Fullylover aka Cartoon Junkies will tell you all about them! --- Cartoon Junkies create top lists, witty reviews and do occasional deep analysis on animated shows, cartoons and anime! We also sometimes make content on comics-based series and some of the Netflix web shows. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:
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