Republic of Dogs [ROD] - Decentralized Cryptocurrency Token, changing the way we support charities 🐶

Republic of Dogs (ROD) is a Proprietary, Hyper Deflationary token on the Binance smart chain network. We aim to make a positive impact by collaborating with community chosen charitable projects. Our holders are rewarded with ROD tokens without having to lift a paw! On top of the automated buybacks from the Saviour Wallet with every market sell, “calltheSAVIOUR“ will be activated at certain milestones. 💎 Total Supply: 1 Quadrilion🔥 💎 2% Rewards to Holders💰 💎 3% Marketing Contribution 💎 7% Buy-Back Contracts🔥 💎 Long-term marketing strategy 💎 Transparent project 🖼 📈 Buy a ROD token on PancakeSwap: #/swap?outputCurrency=0x5872a0846ecb9ed23f796ad71a86fa456577f4e2
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