I Made Glowing Resin Runestones (from The Witcher!)

AD: Check out Fantom Wallet at and use the coupon code ’NERDFORGE’ at checkout for 10% off. ❤️Thanks to our Patrons: 👕 MERCH: This time we try to create glowing runestones with LED strips, epoxy resin, worbla, and woodworking. We’re using the glyphs from the Witcher 3 game as our designs, and put them all in a nice walnut wood stand! Links marked with * are affiliation links that helps out the channel. Thanks! ❤︎ 🧰 MATERIALS: ________________________________ RUNESTONES: - Epoxy resin (Glasscast 3) - Silicone for casting - Epoxy resin pigments - Wet sandpaper and micromesh: * - Worbla: * - PVA glue - Exterior foam coat: - Acrylic paint: * - Matt acrylic paint varnish: * https://am
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