German Prisoners of War in Frankenau (March 1945, HD film scan)

On March 29 1945, tanks of the US-Army entered Frankenau in Nordhessen, Germany. Fanatical Nazis still tried to gather enough wounded soldiers, old men and young boys for the “Volkssturm”, but it is thanks to prudent people who had the courage to hang bedsheets out of the window or even went out to meet the Americans with white flags that a bloodshed could be prevented. Contemporary witnesses remember that there were hundreds of bazookas stored at the municipal bleachery (today’s Bauhof) of Frankenau, which would have been enough to destroy an entire armored division. Fortunately, they were not used. Music “Downfall“ by courtesy of Antoine Marsaud Spotify: iTunes Music: Subscribe to our channel: The camera pans over several hundreds, possibly a thousand captured German soldiers that are filing into trucks. An american GI climbs on the truck, reaching into soldiers with his stick. Another GI sends soldiers up the hill. They run to the truck. Germans in trucks wave to comrades left behind.
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