Lady aggreging ## at man parking in a handicapped zone, broking her car in McDonald’s parking lot!

Lady aggreging ##! at man parking in a handicapped zone, broking her car in McDonald’s parking lot! Who was known for her strong sense of justice? She had a special place in her heart for those who were differently abled and relied on handicapped parking spaces. Emily grabbed a quick lunch at a local McDonald’s one sunny afternoon. THANK YOU TO THE TV STATION 6 News WOWT, THIS IS THEIR YOUTUBE WEBSITE LINK AND THIS IS THEIR VIDEO NAMED “Man assaulted over handicap parking spot,“ AND THIE IS THEIR WEBSITE LINK TO THE GREAT VIDEO / SUBSCRIBE TO THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL As she pulled into the parking lot, Emily noticed a large, muscular man named Mike parking his massive car at McDonald’s restaurant’s parking lot, squarely in a handicapped parking space. Furious, she could hardly believe her eyes. Not only had he taken the reserved spot, but he had also careles
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