Уваров Ф.В. - Группы и Алгебры Ли - 5. Homomorphism of Lie algebra and one-parametric sugroups

00:00:14 Reminder of the previous lecture and a plan for the current lecture 00:09:40 Proposition 1: V_alpha is homomorphism of Lie algebras 00:10:40 Proof of the proposition 1 01:13:53 Definition 1: one-parametric subgroup 01:18:32 Proposition 2: relation 1-parametric subgroup to left-invariant vector fields 01:21:42 Definition 2: integral curve 01:26:06 Proof of the proposition 2 Ссылка на плейлист: #мгу #мехмат #уваров #группыли #алгебрыли
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