Welcome Song | BinBin - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Educational Video

šŸŒˆā€œWelcomeā€œ by BinBin is a lively song for classrooms and kindergartens. Itā€™s a fun action song for kids, for circle time. What a fun way to start the day! ā€œWelcome, welcome, how do you do? Im so glad to see you! ā€œ šŸŒˆā€œWelcomeā€œ with exciting music rhymes; Kids will laugh, dance, sing and play with our videos. šŸŒˆThis video Kids songs is a great choice for parents and children, helping parents feel secure that their children are receiving quality, healthy education. Our videos also give you the opportunity to teach and play with your children when you enjoy watching, dancing and singing together. ------------------------------------------------------- āœ…Please like, share, comment ! šŸ‘ Subscribe my Channel: šŸ‘ Facebook: šŸ‘ Playlist: šŸ‘‰ BinBin - Nursery Rhymes and Childrenā€™s Songs : šŸ‘‰ BinBin - Pretend Play Cartoon for Kids : šŸ‘‰ BinBin - Learning Video for Kids and Children : šŸ‘‰ BinBin - Stories for Childrens in English: -------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics: Welcome, welcome, how do you do? Iā€™m so glad to see you! Sit down, sit dowm all in a ring Hold each others hands too Happy, happy, thatā€™s how we feel When we are together Happy, Happy When we are together Welcome, welcome, how do you do? Iā€™m so glad to see you! Sit down, sit dowm all in a ring Hold each others hands too Happy, happy, thatā€™s how we feel When we are together Happy, Happy When we are together šŸ‘ Thank You for Watching! #BinBin #WelcomeSong #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs
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