Truman On Foreign Policy AKA Truman Speaks On Foreign Policy (1948)

Seattle (Washington), Portland (Oregon) and Berkeley (California), United States of America TRUMAN ON FOREIGN POLICY During his tour of the country, President Harry Truman receives an honorary degree from the University of California and addresses students to talk about foreign policy. L.S. Elevated shot of Thames procession passing through Seattle streets. L.S. Elevated shot of procession through Portland streets. L.S. Truman’s procession passing through the streets of Berkeley California. M.S. Ditto. M.S. Truman in professor’s robes and mortar board, on open air rostrum at California University : Speech: “The great issues of world peace and world recovery are sometimes portrayed as distinct solely between the United States and the Soviet Union. This is not the case. The charge of prejudice which exists is not between the Soviet Union and the United States. It is between the Soviet Union and the rest oft he world. What the word needs to regain a sense of security is an end to Soviet obstructi
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