Imola F1 Circuit - Ayrton Senna Memorial - 2020

#VanJourney #MartinandKate #thenomadicfamily Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari - FEBRUARY 2020..... BEFORE hosting to the F1 Emilia–Romagna Grand Prix I M O L A The van was TOTALLY BUZZING to get to Imola race circuit - so many amazing F1 drivers have taken to this track..... stood beside the track we could just hear them racing past.... totally INCREDIBLE! After the 2006 race, F1 Grand Prix left this circuit - it remains open to track days and is still maintained...... there is talk of bringing F1 back here...... we’d be pretty excited to see this happen! We have to mention the legendary F1 driver, Ayrton Senna - 3 times world championship winner and regarded as one of the greatest formula one drivers of all time..... beside this track at the Tamburello corner, is the incredible memorial of Ayrton..... the global respect and admiration for this F1 great is clear - his life celebrated by so many leaving their personal reminders along the fence line in honour.
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