In the aftermath of a car bombing in Belasco City, a perpetrator is apprehended and placed in a police convoy for transport to a Maximum Security facility in Johnson Valley. Along the way, however, are miles of barren desert highway and criminal accomplices who will stop at nothing to free the highly guarded prisoner. Mods I used: Stunt Mortar by HighBeam9000 โ€™87-โ€™06 Gavril Durham Official Skinpack by RenAzuma66 Gavril H-Series โ€™Type Aโ€™ Bus by Dummiesman H-Series Bulldog Armored Van by Kemro Urbanlore Bruckell M-Body Vehicle Pack by Urbanmaid Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid Gavril T-Series Expansion Pack by Gregory TheGamer D-Troxx Truck, Trailer and Bus Wheels by D-Troxx 7.3 Powerstroke Duramax Diesel Engine Addons by MNP 6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Diesel Engine by BaileyLSX5 Realistic Police Lights by WarDaddyUSA Police Antennas/ALPR Systems by Kemro Belasco Police Bastion by The Shott
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