For those who don’t know what this is, a Maidens of the Kaleidoscope user by the name of Drake made a patch that removes all stage portions (except Cat’s Walk and extra midboss Sanae), removes the ability to bomb, but most importantly, makes Satori use ALL HER SPELLCARDS, regardless of your shot type. This gives her battle the length of an Extra boss with all the difficulty of a Lunatic boss, and without the ability to bomb, she’s by far the hardest Touhou boss ever conceived. Which makes this a ridiculousl
2 years ago 02:22:51 1
Калмыков VS Ковалев - бой за пояс. Нохчо VS Панда. Маэстро VS Киборг - КОНФЛИКТ. Монах–Тиран. Саакян
2 years ago 01:50:44 1
Самброс VS Кувалда. Юсупов VS Далер—КОНФЛИКТ. Кельбиханов VS Худоян. Леко VS Славески. Нохчо — Белаз
2 years ago 01:46:39 1
Мариф VS Белаз. Согомонян VS Курич—НОКАУТ ТЯЖЕЙ. Курейш Сагов. Цыган—Эль-Марио. Боец из Морга—Грачик
2 years ago 02:47:50 1
Новрузов VS Харун. Никулин VS Пулеметчик. Асбаров. Самат. Белаз VS Нохчо. АКАБ. Веном VS Сивый.
2 years ago 01:58:11 2
Бруклин VS Стальной - ПОЛУФИНАЛ. Амои VS Шодруз. Бридов. Никулин. Косырев VS Пилипенко. Вызов Джанго
2 years ago 02:39:45 1
goreshit - a decade of shit - the very most bearable of goreshit (2017) / Full Compilation