Doctor Who: All the Strange, Strange Creatures (1980s)

Here it is! Even though the mix itself is very much an early 80’s vibe, this is a tribute to all the weird and strange creatures of 1980’s Doctor Who. Apologies for the jankiness of the first clip, I’m not sure why that happened - but it fit perfectly with the opening. Also, a little Easter egg for anyone familiar with the Wilhelm scream. Apologies for its loudness, it didn’t seem that loud until the video had rendered and I honestly didn’t want to render the whole thing again with the volume adjusted on a single clip. I may take a break for a while, as this clip took several weeks longer to produce - making music videos is a taxing process! The video took many hours to create. But I have a few ideas of what to work on next. So stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy! Sheet music by tenpetalslover.
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