без билета - здравствуй мой друг (+RUS/ENG lyrics)
NOTICE - If you would like to use this translation for whatever reason, MESSAGE THIS CHANNEL OR COMMENT ON THIS VIDEO. I will not allow others stealing the work. PLEASE CREDIT.
Bez Bileta - Hello my friend
I do not own the pictures. I do not own the song. I just put everything together.
Please leave annotations on for translation/lyrics, if you are on phone it won’t work, sorry.
If you’re lagging the lyrics won’t be smooth, there is nothing I can do about that, sorry.
There are still things I want to post up but every time I log on youtube/google with chrome I have to reset my browser... which I’m going to do now. That’s why I haven’t posted anything in a while...
NOTE 2 - I hope nothing got cut off, but I did this when I was really tired. I’ll check again later for any cut off lyrics.
NOTE 3 - All cut off lyrics should be fixed now.
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