be careful with my heart, dear - sammy copley (original song)

u ever just wanna write something that sounds like it could’ve been written in the 20s yeah same i’m not mad at this? i guess?? could’a done better lmao but hey a Good Attempt don’t be surprised if you see a lot more crooner-esque stuff popping up over the next while hmmM i wonder why i love being cryptic wow i’m awful loVE UUU💞💞 also!! please recommend songs!!preferably ones over 2 minutes bc my channel is laCKing coOL thanks bye LYRICS: please be careful with my heart, dear don’t let it fall apart, dear don’t let it fall so far as to fall in love with you please be mindful of my love, dear i’ve saved it all for you and there’s nothing more i’d rather do than fall in love with you and i’m hoping you’ll be falling, too and there’s nothing more i’d rather do than fall in love with you and i’m hoping you might fall b
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