Elon Musk and his family of 12 MUST become Catholic | here’s why
In Elon Musk’s interview with Jordan Peterson, this billionaire tech giant said that he had “vowed to destroy the woke mind virus,” and spoke in heart-breaking detail about how this “virus” had affected his family.
John-Henry sends a special message to Elon Musk himself – that the only way he can hope to destroy “the woke mind virus” and secure justice for his family is to convert to Christ and to become a Catholic.
Christianity is not a set of good values that can be good for society or admired from afar. The values which Musk said that he admires are only of any worth because they are true – and can only be of any use if they are believed.
Although this may sound surprising to some, only the Catholic Faith can give Musk what he needs to enter the spiritual combat we are facing. But more than that, only the Catholic Faith and Jesus Christ himself can satisfy the deepest and noblest ambitions of Musk’s heart, which has talked about many times.
LSNTV prays for Elon Musk’s conversion every day, feeling sure that if he submits himself to Christ, then Christ will specially use him in the world currently in free fall.
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