TEST 5: We’ve put one 10’6” Ride to the ultimate test! You’ve seen it being trampled by labradors, rode over by a motor-cross bike, tackled by a ferocious rugby team and beaten to within an inch of its life by martial arts sportsmen, but what else can our beloved inflatable 10’6” Ride handle?...Bring on the 3 tonne Land Rover Defender!!! To be continued... #boardvslandrover #abagfullofinnovation
People often question the strength and durability of inflatable boards and are often concerned as soon as they h
1 week ago 00:15:05 1
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2/ Бюджетное и Быстрое - УНИВЕРСАЛЬНОЕ Слоёное тесто ! Получается всегда 👍
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World of Tanks Blitz Reforged Update: Join the First Ultra Test!