Can We Use the TZXDuino With a Tandy Color Computer?

Hello, friends, I’ve got just a little #BONUS content for you today. Can we use the #TZXDuino Nano that I just built with computers other than #Sinclair, #Amstrad and #MSX ? As it turns out, YES! Lets see it in action on a #Tandy Color Computer 3. This is a short one, so don’t blink or you’ll miss it. Hope you enjoy the video! Thank you for watching Todd TZXDuino Project GitHub Repo: 8 Bit Retro Repairers’ Group: @8BitRetroReFix @CaptainCommodore @JosipRetroBits @Retro4U @8bitsinthebasement Sign up to support the channel - --- or --- Buy me a coffee -
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