St Mary’s Medical School (1953)

Runner and medic Roger Bannister tells us about St. Mary’s Medical School, London which is celebrating it’s One Hundredth Anniversary. He describes the work of the school both in training doctors and in medical research. Ext. of buildings in Praed Street. Students arrive at entrance. We look around the physiology laboratory and see students exercising on static bicycles and having their progress measured. VS of scientists working in laboratory. Various pieces of equipment being used. In the Biochemistry laboratory we see experiment on locusts. CU of insect having saliva collected. VS of students conducting an experiment to measure electrical impulses given off by each beat of the heart. Demonstration of more modern electro-cardiograph machine to measure heart function. Graph is marked down on paper. VS of mechanical heart being developed in the physics department. Lots of pumps and measuring devices. MS of Bannister as he tells us of the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming. Pan up to wind
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