Star Wars: JEDI SURVIVOR Full Story RECAP: All Cutscenes and Ending Explained
Our Jedi Survivor Full Story Recap is here! In case you’re not a gamer, or you just want to relive the glory of this amazing game we’re here to recap Star Wars: Jedi Survivor for you. From Boba Fett, to the Path, to Vader--this game is crucial canon to the Star wars Galaxy.
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Written by Dodson Seitz
Hosted by Ryan Arey ()
Edited by Randolf Nombrado, Sean Martin, and Lee Mazzio
#JediSurvivor #StarWars #recap
So we’re going to talk about Jedi: Survivor, the awesome new canon game that’s a sequel to fallen order. I know some of you like to keep up on all Star wars canon, but maybe you; ’re not gamers. Or, maybe you have played the game but you just want to learn about some of the easter eggs. So we are here to recap the game’s story and talk about some of the really cool star wars references.
After years of waiting and a few development delays, Cal Kestis is finally back on the mantis in Jedi Survivor. The game is an absolute blast, and we would highly recommend it to any star wars fan out there. The storyline alone is not only a better version of the entire Kenobi plot, but it also has big implications for the star wars universe at large.
Doug: I’ve been dying to know what happens!
Have you not been playing?
Doug: I don’t have any thumbs, man.
Oh that’s right, well, in that case, let’s talk about the plot of Jedi Survivor and what its story means for the star wars universe - for all our thumbless viewers.
The game opens in Coruscant - a seamless transition from the start screen. [clip] Cal is surrounded by guards- two of which are KLATOOINIAN, almost always presented as bad guys - [clip] who have detained Cal and are bringing him in for questioning by a galactic senator [clip]
Turns out, Cal was actually pulling a fast one, [clip] and reveals that the crew that took him there are actually on his side [clip]
Here’s where we meet Bode - One of Cal’s new companions that he’s become close with over the years.[clip] He’s equipped with a blaster and a jetpack and is basically the Han to Cal’s Luke. [clip]
We also meet a few other members, including the Klatooinian twins - Koob and Lizz [clip]
Doug: OH - so the dog-faced people aren’t ALWAYS the bad guys - SEE- you shouldn’t judge a person by their canine-like appearance.
Okay, fine, maybe not all KLATOOINIANs are bad - anyways
Turns out - they’re all a part of Saw Gererra’s crew, and they’re on a mission to obtain info from the senator on the emperor and the imperial army.[clip]
They find the senator and use some good ole Jedi gaslighting to get him to produce the information they needed [clip] - a map showing them the locations of all the Imperial forces. And they are EVERYWHERE.[clip]
Doug: It sounds bad when you call it “Jedi Gaslighting”
It is what it is - As Cal exits the ship, the crew is surrounded by the Empire, [clip] and the senator asks what took them so long but is stopped mid-sentence by an inquisitor’s lightsaber- [clip] one that belongs to Darth Shrek.[clip]
Doug: That can’t be her real name.
Of course not, it’s the Ninth Sister, our old friend from the last game, who’s rocking a new ruby-red limb, [clip] after Cal handed it to her the last time they meet.[clip]
Doug: What is it with star wars and cutting off people’s hands…
For real - nearly all of his crew are shot [clip]- which really pisses Cal off [clip]- and starts off a long overdue rematch. [clip] He gives the inquisitor one last chance to head back in the right direction, [clip] but she refuses so Cal removes her head altogether.[clip]
Cal and Bode manage to escape with the intelligence and get it back to Saw Gerrera, but the Mantis takes some damage on the way out.[clip]
Since Cal can’t just show up anywhere, being one of the empire’s most wanted and all - [clip] he decides to head to the Koboh system to take the Mantis back to the person who knows it best - Greez Dritus.
After a very rough landing [clip] - we look for Greez in the saloon, which is where we meet this fine fellow - Glup Shiito [clip]
Doug: What Wait - he’s real? #glupshitto confirmed?
Nah, just kidding - his name is Turgle (turh - gul) and he’s the alien comedic relief that Jar Jar was supposed to be. [clip]
He’s being interrogated by bedlam raiders led by a Gen’dai (ghen - die) named Rayvis ( Rehy - viss) after a secret device Turgle gave them turned out to be a fake.[clip]
Doug: Wait, what’s a Gen’dai?
Glad you asked because the game doesn’t go into much detail on this.
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