أجمل تلاوة للشيخ سلمان العتيبي ♥ سورة الشرح ((كاملة)) Salman Utaybi
Sûrat Ash-Sharh
(The Opening Forth) XCIV
In the Name of Allâh,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 1. Have We not opened your breast for you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم)? 2. And removed from you your burden. 3. Which weighed down your back? 4. And have We not raised high your fame? 5. Verily, along with every hardship is relief, 6. Verily, along with every hardship is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one h
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4 months ago 00:34:57 1
سورة الكهف كاملة بصوت الشيخ محمد صديق المن
6 months ago 00:00:46 1
اسم النبي محمد بالكامل 🥰
7 months ago 00:00:58 1
أشهر أداء في العالم❤️ المنشدة زينب محمد
7 months ago 00:16:18 1
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