How To: Paint and clear a scale model car body step by step, and what you need to know

finish one 1 2K Urethane Automotive Clear Coat: 32 oz. Quart Clear Coat 8 oz. Activator 🎨 If you are interested in the pants I use for my skill models check them out here. 🖌 Airbrush I am using and settings. •Airbrush Mr Hobby proton boy lwa trigger type •Needle size •PSI 5 to 10 =asc_df_B0007U92MU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309773052203&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3594955466291574194&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005376&hvtargid=pla-441378069271&psc=1&mcid=c22ec9bb0bff3256bb674f257eb017d3&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_6_H_it4XFPV1uD8I1LxnMMitA8q3Ed4UtZ72FqvYb91WKn1LStZ53xoCDywQAvD_BwE On this channel I do all types of videos for scale models. To, how to’s, unboxings, reviews, tips and tricks, and a whole lot more. Subscribe if you are new so you don’t miss another video from me. @NYSMODELING?si=JkIVAy-Zxnz1jhe- 📌 Follow me on my social medias to get the inside scoop before YouTube. •Instagram •Facebook 0:00 intro 0:17 blow off body 1:33 1st color coat 5:13 2nt color coat 8:11 3rd color coat 10:39 1st clear coat 14:23 2nt clear coat 16:21 3rd clear coat 19:08 mist coat 20:49 finish product 21:50 outro Contact 📌 me through my social medias or email Traxxasracr456@ Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: @NoCopyrightSounds
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