This is the offical and correct transliation of the Red Alert 3 Soviet March. Now this isn’t off the RA3 website because one of the russian youtubers gave me a correct translation, because the RA3 website is wrong apparently.
2 variants which have been written down by users of Russian segment of the Internet
1) Our Soviet Union will punish
All world from the Europe to Neva on восто-ок
Above землёой will sing everywhere:
Capital, vodka, Soviet our bear!
All people here cost that,
That all of us have embodied on light,
Grateful low bow
From са-wash мо-гу-щес-твенной in the world!
2) Our Soviet union will punish all world
As a huge bear on rising
Above землею and terrestrial твердь
Will eclipse itself as Soviet our bear
All people here cost for that,
2-а варианта, записанные пользователями русского сегмента Интернета
1)Наш Советский Союз покарает
Весь мир от Европы к Неве на восто-ок
Над землёой везде будут петь: