The Water Poem by Ram Dass and Awaré

🎧 Listen to The Water Poem on all your favorite music services! 🎧 Ram Dass and Awaré pull you into this song as though inviting you to float down a gentle river with them. You can almost feel the music being created as you listen. The heartbeat percussion, the silken strings, the haunting vocals are born as they are shared on this track. In this process of creating music, Ram Dass was devoted to the idea of improvisational co-creation, and this powerful song delivers the magic of that lofty idea. This song was created as an ode to the power of water as a messenger. Ram Dass returned to the intensity and otherworldliness of learning that his unborn child may never make it into this world while he watched the waters at Niagara Falls. Those raw emotions have always been carried within, but also soothed by the power of water. The gentle yet powerful music of The Water Poem will teach you to surrender and let the fluid music ca
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