[PAYDAY 2] Framing Frame DSOD: Ultimate Stealth Guide || Everything there is to know

Literally everything there is to know about stealthing Framing Frame: · for DAY1 -- some tricks to make runs more smooth: entering any hall from the roof (without preplanning, of course), detailed instructions to throw the paintings through the roof windows, proper use of trip mines for safety, general tricks, the possibility of ECM rushing, and its effects on the ambush... · for DAY2 -- general notes and information: chance for ambush, hints that let you know if you’re about to get ambushed, optimal ways to move the 9 money bags efficiently... · and finally for DAY3 -- literally everything you may want to know: list of all device spawns, suggested trip mine locations (and their reasoning), different strategies to move the coke and the gold, details and tips for each of the 3 vault spawns... and more! ➽ TIME STAMPS: 0:00 → Introduction. 0:15 → DAY1 starts here. 0:20 → Entering any hall from the roof. 1:15 → Detailed instructions to throw paintings through roof windows. 2:25 → The possibility of ECM rushing,
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