THE POISONOUS SNAKE/BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH!! UPW Poison Sawada vs The White Mummy- Christmas 1994

Whats up pussy?? Just finished chopping up the fucking POISONOUS SNAKE DEATHMATCH!!! The match is from old school Japan. Poison Sawada vs The White Mummy, not to be confused, as there was a Black Mummy in UPW too. Not sure if they were the same guy or not. They actually could have been tbh... But yea this shit’s SUPER rare. I told you fuckers I’m bringing these Animal Deathmatches to Youtube.. and I did not lie!! I Really hope you guys enjoy the video.. I could NOT find ANY info on this match online, besides that it took place.. Let me know if you can.. I also got some new styles of content I’...ll be trying out in the future, too!! Let me know if you guys would like to see me do some Music Videos with the local Palm Beach rap artists PLEASE SUB TO MY SECOND CHANNEL, WE FINNA GET THIS BITCH TO 1K!!!!!!!!!: Also, PLEASE consider signing up to the patreon, as I’m making no money off my videos. Also hit me up on social media!! Here’s all the links: Patreon: SIGN UP TO THE PATREON FAMILY!!!!! Discord: Instagram: BlakeO561_ (Message me for personal IG) Facebook: Tik Tok: BlakeO561 Twitch: BlakeO561 Twitter: BlakeO561 Hope you enjoy the vid.. and once again... THANK YOU!!!
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