Something 𝑩𝑰𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑫 this way comes~
Coming soon to the theater far from you in the next centuries!
Starring: Hank Howell and Billy Buns
Voiced by the awesome @philsterman10 !
- Piti Yindee
Support my anim and get the exclusive behind the scene and illustrations!
Patreon Supporters: Alex and Pedro - Andrew Scherman - Ashley - Baron Salt - Blumb - Brian Whitford - Bubba Wolfuzz - Cap’n Quichette - ChampionLeaf - CNRed - Cobean Roben - Connor Clancy - Dane Moo - DevlinsGambit - EJ Husky - Emmanuel - Homie - Ian Anoan - Jeffretes - Jonathan Love - KaliWolf - Kim Brehmer Bjørkholm - KingDead - KoS Ursus Arctos - Kyle A. Carrozza - Lee Holmes - Orion-Sunset - Photo-Boi - PLS - Rhandi-Dandy - Riley - rtl - S. Frerichs - Schism - Sean - Seasonal_beatings - Seth Iova - Sewk - Shiranai - SirWords - Sodajuice - Spectre - SrBilyon - StarBun - Tai Toon Studios - Targonian - Teddy Wynton - TinyVoices - tktigerkat - Wakewolf - Yariku - Zeekerz
#pitiyindee #hankhowell #2danimation #wicked