Celebrity Bikini Bodies Are A Lie & This Is How They Do It - Bikini Bodies Don’t Exist
Why Celebs Have Bikini Bodies & You Don’t: Celebrity Bikini Bodies Don’t Exist
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Celebrity Photo Posing
03:28 - Celebrity Fashion Tips
06:08 - Celebrity Flat Stomachs Aren’t Real
09:26 - Thigh Gaps Are A Myth For Most People
11:53 - Itty Bitty Titddes Are Normal
13:06 - Celebrities With Cellulite
15:03 - Photoshoots With Body Oil & Makeup Contour Abs
16:24 - Celebrity Plastic Surgery Lies
17:26 - Final Thoughts On Bikini Bodies
🦋 The best skin care products I’ve used, categorized by skin type/concern: 🦋
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🦋 🦋 🦋 My beYOUtiful butterfly necklace is only $14 🦋 🦋 🦋
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▷ 3 ACNE Products I Recommend Most Often For Blemish Prone Skin:
▷ 3 WRINKLE Products I Recommend Most Often For Mature Skin:
▷ 3 SPF Products I Recommend Most Often:
▷ 3 Sensitive Skin Products I Recommend Most Often:
▷ My favorite Sun protective Clothing!
▷ Trying to find I wear, eat, and read on a regular basis?! It’s all here!!
🔴 Although I have over 1000 videos on skincare and acne I realized sometimes it’s still hard for people to remember which acne products I recommend, vs those that I think are a waste of money!
I decided to create this helpful skincare list of breakout and other skin products that are acne-safe, that I personally recommend and put them all in one place! I hope you find this helpful- enjoy!
▷ Check out Skincare Clearing Acne on Amazon!
▷ My Skincare Shelf & favorite products for different skin types:
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▷ This video is not sponsored or influenced by any brand :) Having the opportunity to create and share enlightening content is another reason I’m so grateful for youtube as a platform, the opportunities life presents us, and your love and support as part of my youtube family!! In some cases, I post affiliate links that ultimately support the content provided. By no means should you ever feel obligated to use these links, but know that if you do purchase through any of them, you are contributing to spreading the message of positivity, self-love, and self-care that is expressed on this channel. Your love, support, and involvement in this youtube family is very much appreciated. Thank you always!
🦋 You are beYoutiful inside and out; I love you!
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