Here’s where you can play Sudokoban by DiMono:
In a standard sudoku grid, the boxes are numbered by convention from left to right and top to bottom such that the top left box is box 1, top middle is box 2, and so on. Within each box, the cells are numbered the same way. In this puzzle, the boxes have been separated and shuffled around, and it is up to the solver to determine their actual placement in the solution. Each box must have its box number in that position within the box (i.e. box 1 has 1 in position 1, box 2 has 2 in position 2, etc). No other digit in any box may be in its self-numbered cell.
Fill each box with the digits 1-9 so that when the boxes are restored to their proper positions, each digit appears exactly once in each box, resulting row, and resulting column. Digits in a cage must sum to the indicated number. For a clue outside a box with no arrow, the first X cells, where X is the first seen digit, sum to the value of the clue. ? sums must be deduced by the solver. Sums do not cross box gaps. A clue with an arrow shows the sum of the indicated diagonal. Diagonals do not cross box gaps.
▶ Our newest sudoku pack: GAS ◀
Now available: our GAS pack with brand new Genuinely Approachable Sudoku puzzles by clover!, Philip Newman, and Sam Cappleman-Lynes, an in-app purchase from the (free) Cracking the Cryptic app. In that app you also get a free pack of puzzles by Prasanna Seshadri (one puzzle of each variant of our existing apps), a FREE pack of 23 puzzles in celebration of our reaching 500k subscribers, and can purchase DOMINO SUDOKU, a pack of 100 handmade puzzles (40 available at launch, 5 added each month until it reaches 100) by some of the best constructors in the world. (Coming soon: another GAS pack and a LINES sudoku pack!)
Also: seven videos of Simon and Mark solving the 500k pack puzzles in live streams. See the playlist to get to them.
Links are ALL here: #apps or search for Cracking the Cryptic and the app name on your favourite app provider: Classic, Killer, Chess, Miracle, Thermo, Arrow, Sandwich, Domino and GAS (brand new!)◀
All our apps are full of handmade sudoku puzzles by ourselves and many of the best constructors in the world, tested and hinted by Simon and Mark!
On March 1, we will release another great patreon reward puzzle hunt, called Alice’s Adventures in Sudokuland, by Paint By Numbers Institute. Join us on Patreon at the $2/month level or higher to try these puzzles, $3/month or higher to have access to solution videos! (Also any patreon member gets access to a patreon-only discord channel to discuss the Patreon Reward puzzles and get help if you need it!)
* Lots of other content on Patreon, including past Patreon rewards, crossword solves and Simon and Mark engaging in a couple of collaborative sudoku solves. *
▶Miss the Kickstarter? You can still preorder our book here ◀
▶Our merchandise: ◀
Twitter: #crypticcracking
Instagram @crackingthecryptic
Hi! We’re Simon Anthony and Mark Goodliffe, two of the UK’s most enthusiastic puzzle solvers. We have both represented the UK at the World Sudoku Championships and the World Puzzle Championships. We’re also “cryptic crossword“ aficionados. Mark is the twelve-time winner of The Times championship and Simon is the former record holder for most consecutive correct solutions to The Listener crossword. We hope we can help your puzzle solving while also introducing you to some of the world’s best puzzles.
Thank you for watching!
Simon and Mark